The Darker Side of Life Podcast
Your go-to for ghost stories, true crime, aliens, the unsolved and everything else in the dark .
The Darker Side of Life Podcast
Hoia Baciu - Romania's Most Haunted Forest
Episode 153
Happy Halloween from The Darker Side of Life! Light those Jack O' Lanterns and follow me into Hoia Baciu, Romania's most haunted forest. You never know what you might see when you step into the trees.
Sources: https://hoiabaciuforest.com/en/, https://www.jhmoncrieff.com/haunted-travel-romanias-hoia-baciu-forest/, https://www.independent.co.uk/travel/europe/romania/hoia-baciu-haunted-forest-travel-guide-b2256555.html, https://romaniatourstore.com/blog/hoia-baciu-forest-mysterious-legends/, The Tape Library - Horrifying Legends of Hoia Baciu, The World’s Most Haunted Forest